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[热点追踪] Twitter上的名人/草根们是如果看待Arcade Fire得奖

这次格莱美算是爆了个冷门,在竞争激烈的年度最佳专辑提名中,加拿大独立摇滚乐队Arcade Fire 击败katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Eminem… 得到了学院派评审们的肯定,我们看看在twitter 上各界名人/草根们是如何看待Arcade Fire得奖的。
arcade fire

图1.Arcade Fire 泪流满面

Twitter Arcade Fire Wooozt

图2. 格莱美奖开始前,Arcade Fire 就已经登上了Twitter趋势的顶端。虽然仍然抵不上Justin Bieber

Maroon 5 arcade fire wooozy
图3. Maroon 5的主唱Adam Levine的欢呼是被RT次数最多的tweets之一

steve nash arcade fire

图4. Arcade Fire 加拿大的老乡,篮球明星Steve Nash也称他们是加拿大的骄傲。

NPH arcade fire

图5.因美剧《How I Met Your Mother 》被国内影迷熟知的Neil Patrick Harris 在微博上也难掩兴奋之情。

p4k arcade fire


bands love arcade fire
图7.  许多音乐人/媒体人都激动不已,Wavves 的冷幽默让人会心一笑

@shivvy: Say what you want about the Grammys, the fact that MERGE RECORDS and Arcade Fire just won Album Of The Year is awesome.

@SurferBlood Okay…that fucking rules.

@owenpallett RT @roland_weapon: @arcadefire let’s collab

@somevelvetblog i know at least 25 radio people who STILL won’t play Arcade Fire #quityourjobsnows

@SPINmagazine Win Butler just casually placed a Grammy on top of his amp. Then started playing the best song he ever wrote.

下面是一些网友的评价。非常有意思,你怎样看待Arcade Fire 得奖?欢迎留言讨论!
arcade fire

@Toddmartens SoundScan sales of the Arcade Fire’s ‘The Suburbs’: 486,000. Every other album of the year contender? More than 1 mil.

@danmurtaugh @molly_knight Facebook is a good reminder that half the world doesn’t know Arcade Fire. In related news, I’m unfriending half the world.

@judyto JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I missed arcade fire‘s performance and winning speech because fucking rihanna’s “what’s my name” made me fall asleep

最后,感谢Arcade Fire 给所有喜欢他们的人们带来了非常棒的情人节礼物。


关于作者: Jin 个人网站
一个音乐、电影、科技迷,金属乐、Google 和披萨的狂热爱好者。除了无解,你还可以在时髦上海(SmartShanghai)和 Vice 上看到我的文字。错别字一直是我的心头痛。


  1. 补充个zooey(she & him)的
    @therealzooeyd congratulations to @arcadefire! honored to be on the same label as you guys, long live indie rock!

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