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金属大厂牌Century Media发出声明,与在线音乐播放器Spotify划清界限

如果你不知道Century Media这个厂牌,还有点……可以理解,毕竟无解的读者里肯定存在从不听重型音乐的朋友;但如果你活在2011年却连Spotify都不知道,那我就只能用“太凹凸”来形容你了。


这也就带出了一个问题,Spotify对于厂牌来说到底是好是坏?是不是所有厂牌都能从经济、态度上来支持这样的音乐平台运转?昨天,金属厂牌中的中坚力量Century Media携着兄弟厂牌InsideOutMusic, Superballmusic People Like You站在同一阵营,终于摆明姿态,发表了如下声明:


“While everyone at the label group believes in the ever changing possibilities of new technology and new ways of bringing music to the fans, Century Media is also of the opinion that Spotify in its present shape and form isn’t the way forward.

(“尽管在厂牌的每个人都相信新科技会对音乐推广带来更多新的可能,但Century Media觉得目前Spotify的情况及形式并没有推动其前进。”

“The income streams to the artists are affected massively and therefore that accelerates the downward spiral, which eventually will lead to artists not being able to record music the way it should be recorded. Ultimately, in some cases, it will completely kill a lot of smaller bands that are already struggling to make ends meet.


“At the same time Century Media also believes that Spotify is a great tool to discover new music and is in the process of reintroducing their bands to Spotify by way of putting up samplers of the artists. This way, fans can still discover the great music released by the label.

(“与此同时,Century Media也承认Spotify是一个用来发现新音乐好工具,因此在之后的合作中将会提供Spotify音乐人的部分试听。通过这个方法,粉丝仍然可以发现厂牌发行的好音乐。”)

“Physical sales are dropping drastically in all countries where Spotify is active. Artists are depending on their income from selling music and it is our job to support them to do so. Since the artists need to sell their music to continue their creativity, Spotify is a problem for them. This is about survival, nothing less and it is time that fans and consumers realize that for artists it is essential to sell music to keep their heads above water.


“Obviously it is ultimately up to the music fan and consumer, how they access their music, whether it is buying, streaming or stealing. There needs to be awareness though, that how you will consume your music has direct consequences for the artists, who we are all trying to support.”



(via: Sputnikmusic)

关于作者: Jin 个人网站
一个音乐、电影、科技迷,金属乐、Google 和披萨的狂热爱好者。除了无解,你还可以在时髦上海(SmartShanghai)和 Vice 上看到我的文字。错别字一直是我的心头痛。


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