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Amy Winehouse陨落后续,M.I.A. 发布单曲小样 “27″

除了Amy Winehouse, 我们所熟悉的音乐人包括Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix 都在27岁英年早逝,因此网站27 Club终于又得意更新。M.I.A在发布混音专辑 Vicki Leekx 前就录制好了这首单曲“27”,在Amy走后一天,她公布了这首单曲的小样。

27 by _M_I_A_


said your all mouth and no brains
all rock stars go to heaven
you said you’ll be dead at 27 seven
when we drunk in a English tavern
the owner poured you the Bourbon
and you drunk your self so rotten
so he got so rich he bought a Bentley
and moved himself to Devon

you started dirty dancing
and you bar tended a dozen
i took you to the clinic
to get you clean but you couldn’t
said in 2 days ur 27 and and ur destiny was comin
so ur papa passed so sudden
and left you with lil somin

you blew that money on a mountain of drugs
and staged your self a bed in
a month later when i popped in
your still high but the winter set in
i bought you a coffee and a muffin
and you quoted me some Lenin
i wished i was that clever
but thats what kept me coming
your friendship did mean somin
but you left me for nothin
when i left, you befriended a rope
and i saw you both were hanging.


这里还有一篇文章收集了音乐人们对Amy过世后的反应,很让人伤感:R.I.P Amy Winehouse


关于作者: Jin 个人网站
一个音乐、电影、科技迷,金属乐、Google 和披萨的狂热爱好者。除了无解,你还可以在时髦上海(SmartShanghai)和 Vice 上看到我的文字。错别字一直是我的心头痛。


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