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Girls 新单曲“Lawrence” 试听

Girls – Lawrence by PIAS Entertainment

Girls的主唱Christopher Owens近日公布了乐队新单曲“Lawrence” ,歌曲的命名来自于1989年解散的英国独立摇滚乐队Felt的首脑Lawrence Hayward。Christopher 在声明中写到,这首歌创作与2008年,当时他还在Holy Shit担任吉他手,因为对Felt的音乐非常热爱而创作了这首歌。Christopher还提到了自己能把这首给送给Lawrence感到非常不可思议,也抱着感激的心情向Lawrence致谢:感谢他带给自己的欢乐,是他的音乐使生活变得美好……

Dear Lawrence,

I wonder who will be writing me in twenty years, and what they’ll be looking for. Don’t worry, I’m not writing to talk about the things I’m looking for in life, I’ll spare you that. I’m writing to FINALLY be able to send you a song that I wrote in 2008. When I wrote this song I was the guitarist in a band called Holy Shit, Matt Fishbeck (our fearless leader) was the one who turned me on to Felt. I fell in love with your songs, I wouldn’t stop listening, I loved you and Maurice.

To make a long story a shorter story, I once wrote this song and wondered what you would sing to it, I could sometimes hear your voice but I didn’t dare write down any words. I never thought for a second you would ever hear it, I wondered if you would like it, all that. I called it Lawrence, after you. To send it to you now is incredible for me, I want to show you I’m thankful. You gave me something to love, or in other words you gave me love itself. You took something that can sometimes feel so common and dull and brought it back to life with so much beauty and verse. You gave me happiness, and you still do.

Anyway, I’d just like you to have it, it’s yours, take it as yours. Do anything you want with it. I hope you enjoy listening to it. And all the best to you forever and ever.

With love- Christopher Owens



关于作者: Jin 个人网站
一个音乐、电影、科技迷,金属乐、Google 和披萨的狂热爱好者。除了无解,你还可以在时髦上海(SmartShanghai)和 Vice 上看到我的文字。错别字一直是我的心头痛。


  1. 第一遍听觉得没歌词有点坑爹。。。但第二遍。。。实在是太嗲啦~太美好了~!

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