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WU LYF宣布解散及最后一首新单’T R I U M P H’试听

这支有点黑暗有点神秘有点噪的年轻乐队去年才发行了第一张专辑《Go Tell Fire To The Mountain》,得到不少关注(上了David Letterman),不少乐迷都准备在将来好好“疼爱”他们一番,却在最近听到他们宣布解散的消息。

WU LYF在上周末发布了粗糙的新单曲一首’T R I U M P H’, 并伴随乐队主脑Ellery James Roberts 发布他离开乐队的声明:“当你们看到这段文字的时候我已经走了……”之后是一大堆非常颓废的话(如下)。

By the time I wrote this I was all ready gone. You know you aint got nothing but time, but time isn’t an infinite currency I want to see wasted. If this is our last month living, apocalypse looming, I am not going to spend my final hours waiting in purgatory. I am done. There is nothing here that inspires/ interests me beyond the emptiness for dreams. and I don’t want to spend my life asleep; dreaming of a….

Wake up! We stay safe/ everything is golden/ in this place.

WU LYF is dead to me. The sincerity of “Go tell fire” was lost in the bull shit of maintaining face in the world we live. Clap your hands chimp everybody’s watching. A year spent losing faith; Innocence lost wide eyes see clear the dark. There’s blood running down streets of every city in the world, what’s a song to do, pretend it mean everything/nothing to you. Another distraction from the world we live. I and I struggle for a based positivity; Get free or die trying; J C Hung him self up for the easy way out. so Broken Mama Cita be kind to me.

P E O are P L E the world over. Your beautiful and strange, and I love you. But The Great Longings calling and I’m young and free enough to try and answer.

Ellery James Roberts

I am gone. This isn’t the end. This is the begging.
We done business to be as free as we want to be; I’m exercising this freedom. Manchester and the life we maintaining is leaving me empty. It is a beautiful/ incredible/ insane world we live and I’m done walking round in baby step circles in a self involved bubble. WU LYF isn’t that important. So go do what you want to do. If you wanna play together, Play! your talented musicians so don’t waste that. I am bored of the most challenging thing in WU LYF being deluding myself of its relevance. Dirty free, as that show ended it concreted my decision that a change has to come. “Be the change you want to see” said a wise old man.
I’m going to keep on doing what I do; if the time comes in the future where we all truly want to collaborate on something then that door is always going to be open; I have nothing but love for you all.

But I want to live life that’s true to me.

Stay safe
your Brother from another mother…

(I’m gonna stay on email so keep in touch.)



关于作者: Jin 个人网站
一个音乐、电影、科技迷,金属乐、Google 和披萨的狂热爱好者。除了无解,你还可以在时髦上海(SmartShanghai)和 Vice 上看到我的文字。错别字一直是我的心头痛。


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